Sunday, 3 October 2010

At last - a word from Adrian.......

As it is now the 3rd October and the rally has entered the final two weeks, I thought it was time for my first blog. As owner of the car I have winced over every pothole for the last 7,000 km and believe me there have been numerous and very large potholes.

Now we are in Ashgabad, our last stop in Turkmenistan before making the crossing into Iran. To date Samarkand in Uzbekistan has been the real positive surprise but I look forward to Iran. So much has been talked of this nation but so few have been. Tomorrow we will join the few.

The Aston was superb today and we covered the 630km quickly and were the 4th car to arrive at  the hotel despite leaving almost last this morning. Last night is to be forgotten. We stayed in a sanatorium which had pictures of patients being treated on the wall in the lobby. Black mould on the bedroom walls and shared bathrooms and you have an idea. Yuk....roll on Paris.

To all those have been reading the blogs thanks for the support. There have be low moments so to know you are out there has helped. But for now spirits are high and the Aston is showing all her true rally credentials.

Adrian G.
A beautiful Speed Six Bentley

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